A delicate and trauma-sensitive journey into the universe of tantric massage

Finely tuned, we combine and unite the wisdom of ancient mystical traditions with the knowledge and insights of today's world on trauma, body and consciousness & female sexuality and create a loving and profound research journey into the depths of our being.

​In two modules we explore the magic of tantric massage, the power of the pelvis, through loving lap/womb work and us as sensual and living embodied beings. We devote special attention to our body, the home of our being. Knowing how deeply precious and important touch and human contact is for us to blossom. We use different tools to invite to deeply feel, to let go and to let in, which support you in your journey into your femininity and a fulfilled sensuality and sexuality. Insights into understanding current trauma - and body knowledge give us the security and ability to lovingly and wisely hold space for each other.

You can start your journey with any "module" and in your own time and rhythm. We meet in beautiful and deeply nourishing places, in a safe circle among women.

​Feel warmly welcomed to join us!



19.08. - 26.08. 2022

Monte da Orada - Portugal


  • Ritual of intimate touch for women

  • Yonimassage

  • Supporting meditations, physical exercises and practices

Imparted background knowledge

  • Tantric tradition - philosophy and practice

  • Sensuality and sexual energy

  • Female sexuality and anatomy

  • Presence, trust & boundaries

  • Touch and its significance

Seminar fee

850 €

Repeaters 425 €

Plus 525 € 7 nights accommodation and meals in a shared room


Monte da Orada Portugal



„ Here in this body are the sacred rivers, here are the sun and the moon, and places of pilgrimage. I have not found another temple so delightful as my own body “ Saraha Doha

The tantra massage worships the human being with all its facets as divine and perfect. It is a declaration of love to the human body, told through touch. Through the body it touches the soul and welcomes its expressions and feelings. Every cell of our body is appreciated, sensitized and nourished with loving attention. This creates closeness and intimacy and opens us to experiences of deep connection with ourselves, our partner and the world.

​In a protected and attentive setting among women, we would like to experience the magic of the tantric massage and provide loving and well-founded instructions for the ritual of the classical tantric massage.

​We will take a week of time and dedicate ourselves to the facets of this erotic art. Every day we add another piece to the tantric massage mosaic.

We integrate the Yoni Massage in a sensitive and attentive way, a wonderful way to allow deep sensations and vitality to reappear and to encounter our sexuality in a nourishing and healing way, accompanied by security, understanding and acceptance.

All individual boundaries, questions and processes have explicit space!


MODUL 2 -Yoni Whispering - The pelvic Mystery

27.08. - 03.09.2022

Monte da Orada - Portugal


  • Kashmiri massage -yoga of touch

  • Abdominal massage

  • Pelvis & yoni mapping

  • Throat, jaw & pelvis connection, deep structural fascial work

  • Liberation of the voice & expression

Background knowledge

  • Anatomy of the pelvis and abdominal organs

  • Pelvic and jaw connection

  • Trauma, language and expression

Seminar fee

850 €

Plus 525 € accommodation and meals / 7 nights double or shared room


Monte da Orada Portugal



"And I told my body gently; I want to be your friend. He took a long breath and answered; I have waited all my life for this." Nayyrah Waheed

We dive deeper into the secrets of our womb and listen to its voice and wisdom and flood it with consciousness and love. We dedicate ourselves to the centers of our lives, the sacred birthplaces of our bodies. We impart gentle techniques and knowledge to approach our pelvis with respect and warmth and let it glow. By completely trusting our body, tuning in and allowing it to be sensitive.


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Touched by the sensory journey body, the power of our intuition and the intelligence of our body wisdom, Elena has been deepening her knowledge and experience in the fields of yoga and meditation, bodywork and self-awareness for several years.

She is accompanied and guided by the questions of how we can live deep connectedness, learn to embody ourselves and grow into our own responsibility.

Moved by the depth that arises when women show themselves to each other with courage and devotion, truly meeting each other and devoting themselves to their bodies and wombs together, she wants to create powerful spaces that expand our authentic encounter with ourselves and life.

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For 15 years Jana has been researching and learning intensively in the field of bodywork and consciousness, sexuality and spirituality, inspired and fascinated by the tantric tradition and today's knowledge of body trauma and consciousness.

​​With much love and dedication she shares her knowledge of the art of touch in sessions and seminars and creates mindful meeting and research spaces.

​A mere caressing awakens our entire sensory organism and nourishes our deep need for closeness and security. Through careful touch we carefully recapture our body and listen to its wisdom.

​More sensitive and touchable we open ourselves to the experience of the world and overcome isolation and cut-offness step by step. Carried by the intuition that salvation & oneness is possible. If we accept our entire nature and live unreservedly present towards reality ​

To experience this journey together and to create conscious and fulfilling culture is my wish and deep desire.