09.-16. September 2023 Corfu

„ Here in this body are the sacred rivers, here are the sun and the moon, and places of pilgrimage. I have not found another temple so delightful as my own body “ Saraha Doha

The tantra massage worships the human being with all its facets as divine and perfect. It is a declaration of love to the human body, told through touch. Through the body it touches the soul and welcomes its expressions and feelings. Every cell of our body is appreciated, sensitized and nourished with loving attention. This creates closeness and intimacy and opens us to experiences of deep connection with ourselves, our partner and the world.

​In a protected and attentive setting among women, we will experience the magic of the tantric massage and provide loving and well-founded instructions for the ritual of the classical tantric massage.

​One week we will take the time and dedicate ourselves to the facets of this erotic art. Every day we add another piece to the tantric massage mosaic.

We integrate the Yoni Massage in a sensitive and attentive way, a wonderful way to allow deep sensations and vitality to reappear and to encounter our sexuality in a nourishing and healing way, accompanied by security, understanding and acceptance.

​All individual boundaries, questions and processes have explicit space !


Saturday :

Arrival & 17:00 opening circle

Friday: 10.00 - 21:00 closing circle

Saturday: Departure after breakfast

Seminarprice 790 €

+ Meals & accommodation at Alexis Zorbas :

1 week in double room : 585 €

1 week in single room : 685 €

Rooms are booked and invoiced directly via www.zorbas-travel.de.

Registration form

More information regarding the booking and travel you find in our seminar confirmation.

You can ask and share your open questions and thoughts at any time with us via info@schossraumwelten.com or 0049 176 64 73 48 23

Let our hands speak love

With warmth

Jana & team