“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin
My offer
For women & couples
Ritual of intimate touch - tantra massage
Coaching of touch
For couples & friends
Couples massage
Trio massage
German & English
A friend asked my once „What do you want to achieve in life?“
Without thinking I answered „I would love to fully arrive in my body someday.“
There are many things to do in this world, many paths to wonder, people to meet and thoughts to think. But it is the body that carries out every action. It's the body that navigates through time and space. It is our bodies bringing us back to earth when other parts of us went out wondering.
Some peolpe say it is limiting to have all this flesh and bones that hold us like a cage.
But aren't we a whole physical universe rather than a caged soul?
We should not try to break free from our bodies but to break free into our bodies.
Tantric Massage I find is one path, one possibility to worship the body for all that it is. To acknowledge our sensuality and sexuality. To reinhabit the parts of us that have been neglected. To let go of shame and guilt. To make our bodies our homes and connect them with what we call minds and souls.